To reach the summit

3 min readDec 14, 2022


You need a system.

Listen to your body.

Choosing the right mountain to climb will save you resources, time and energy.

Look up for thunder, behind for bears, in front for obstacles, below to avoid tripping or falling, and all around just in case.

The mountain looks different at different times, from different perspectives. It even changes physically depending on how you are feeling that day.

Walking the trail others have walked and avoiding the mistakes someone has already made is a great way to reach the peak alive.

Enlarging your circle (of competence) is a good technique to find your way out if you get lost in the woods.

Trees, branches, ropes, rocks, learn to use your surround is to gain momentum.

Have low expectations, few desires, be satisfied with little.

Enjoy serenity and solitude.

Think of those you love when they are not with you.

Avoid a tragedy at all costs. Even if you don’t have a family waiting for you at home, someone will waste time and energy retrieving your body.

Go up, peak, go down, reinvent yourself, do it all over again.

Unpopular mountains often hide unexpected beauty and rewards.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

The weather can abruptly change. Be prepared.

You will meet cold, noisy, angry, rude people. Most of them are nice too. Some are just lonely. Offer them a smile.

You will be tired, angry, sad, scared, stressed, nostalgic, frustrated. Remember and examine yourself.

You will have to expand your circle of competence to reach the peak. I learnt to drive at a late age just to reach the mountains.

The map is definitely not the territory.

The sky is always blue above the clouds.

What others show you will never be as good as being there.

Beauty can be found next door.

Flow is only possible when alone and after a certain time of full immersion.

An attentive eye will show you wonders.

While solitude is great, having a friend along the way from time to time can be lots of fun.

Sometimes what looks like a catastrophe is just the way nature has to prevent you facing a real one.

It sounds cliché, but you shall learn from your mistakes. Repeating one might cost you your money, health or even your life.

Logistics is a life preserving skill.

Nothing compares to connecting with nature. The metaverse, porn, social media, VR, TV, video games, nothing but cheap substitutes for the real thing.

So many people go into the mountains and are never seen again. Learn to manage your confidence and limits.

Panic is followed by a string of bad decisions.

You shall leave alone what doesn’t want to be disturbed.

Short mountains, average views. Tall mountains breathtaking panoramas.

Coffee, beer, a warm bed and a warm meal are all privileges up there. Do not take the daily things for granted.

Food tastes much better after a day of walking, when your lungs burn and your legs are sore.

To reach the peak you will need many means of transport. Walking might not suffice.

To reach the peak takes time. Persevere and be patient.

Cherish the full moons, starry skies, sunrises and sunsets. You will only see a few of those in your lifetime.

The climbing season is short, extremely so. Don’t waste it.

The peak always looks further than it really is. Keep walking.

One step and then another and then another. No shortcuts. That’s the only way.

It is not the mountain’s fault if if you are having a bad day.

In case of danger, call it a day and go back another day. The mountain won’t be going anywhere.



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